fredag 29 augusti 2008

1st round - w.36

Kasumi is living evidence that one should never judge a book by its cover. She may look sweet and harmless, but make no mistake about it: she is every inch a ninja. Trained in the Mugen Tenshin style of ninjitsu, she ran away from her clan in order to find her brother who had gone missing. Determined to find him, she took out anyone who got in her way with grace and ferocity. Need more proof of her abilities as a fighter? When the evil corporation DOATEC needed a source for their experiments to clone the ultimate martial arts combatant, Kasumi was hand-picked. And she doesn't even particularly enjoy fighting. She just does what she has to in order to protect the ones she cares about.
Jeffry McWild isn't like most other fighters. While others battle for fame, for glory, to protect friends or to get revenge on foes, Jeffry fights for one reason only: to earn enough money so he can afford the equipment necessary to hunt down a legendary Satan Shark. Born in Australia, Jeffry is the most skilled fisherman in his village, and as such, he is obsessed with being the one to finally catch the renowned beast. Don't think that fishing is all Jeffry knows, however. He is a brutal practitioner of Pancratium, dishing out heavy damage strikes and devestating throws and grapples, among them his signature crucifix powerbomb, the Splash Mountain.

Reptile is one of the last few surviving members of the Saurian race of lizard-men. Often found in the service of evil men, his ultimate agenda always lies in the survival and well-being of his people rather than with any true allegiences to his current masters. This agenda tends to cross over into full-blown obsession, which has caused Reptile's mind to snap periodically, leaving him one insane and dangerous individual. Reptile has many tricks up his sleeves when it comes to combat. He can spit chunks of acid from his mouth, conjure up balls of energy, and, like a chameleon, blend into his surroundings and go practically invisible. He's also no stranger to swordsmanship, having use a certain Kirehashi blade to great effect at various points.
Loud and proud, Jann Lee is a fiercely competitive fighter. Highly skilled in the arts of Jeet Kune Do and hailing from China, Jann Lee has only one goal: to prove that he is the very best martial artist in the world. Accompanied by his characteristic high-pitched screams, he dishes out lightning-quick kicks and punches with tons of impact. Certainly a contestant to be reckoned with in any battle.

Vega from Spain, part prettyboy, part nutcase. This bullfighter is a great warrior, who also practises ninjutsu and cagefighting. Ever since he saw his evil stepfather kill his mother he has gone totally crazy and has started to kill ugly people just for fun. Vega's style in 1-on-1 combat is based on Zipotha (self-discipline) and Savate (defense) used by spanish noblemen and sailors. As a member of M.Bisons Shadaloo organization, Vega is armed with a claw which he both slashes and stabbs with. This weapon also gives him long range. About the mask? It's not for hiding the identity. It's for protecting Vega's pretty face,
As the leader of the international crime cartel Black Dragon, Kano is known for his brutality and aggression. Still this shaggy australian has more tricks in his pocket. The sly and cunning bandit has been doing business with the mighty Shao Kahn of the Outworld and is considered one of the most wanted criminals on Earth. A part of Kano's face is covered with a metalplate with a red orb in the middle which allows him to shoot laserbeam with his eye. Knifethrowing and heartrippings are standards in this madman's repertoir.

Dhalsim uses his yoga powers to get money for the poor people in his homecountry India. His intense and hard training has given him the ability to contort and extend his limbs into forms normally physically impossible. He can project his arms and legs outward in order to deliver attacks that would be out of the range of normal limbs. Simply said, it's not easy to get close to this spiritual warrior. Dhalsim is also a good practisian of Flamethrowing and Flamespitting, a technique he oftens uses to fry his opponents during matches.
Paul is a hot headed biker with experience in Judom Karate and other marital arts, and is known for his famous punch "The Phoenix Smasher" (aka "the Deathfist"). His goal? To become "the toughest in the Universe". This american bodyguard measures 6'1'' and has 180 lbs behind his hard punching. Paul employs a lot of fast single-hit power moves like punches, chops, palm-strikes, elbows, shoulder rams, trips, and frontal kicks. A strong and very technical fighter with a cool attitude.

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Match 1 = Handpicked killingmachine? Easy win for Kasumi against nerdy prowrestler with ugly hair.
Match 2 = Reptile wins. He spits acid, goes invincible and chews Karate Kids head up
Match 3 = Kanos blades will cut Vega in half. Easy win
Match 4 = Paul wont be able to come close to the flexible Dhalsim. He will end this madness with his flamethrowing breathe.

Kebaben sa...

Kasumi over Jeffry. I personally have a thing for power fighters, but Jeffry's reputation in the VF unverse is not even close to Kasumi's in the DOA world.

Jann Lee over Reptile. Sure, the lizard has a bunch of crazy tricks and powers, but I reckon his unstable mental condition will cost him the match against a highly disciplined fighter such as Jann Lee.

Kano over Vega. The terrain simply doesn't favor the Spaniard. No walls to bounce off of, no fences to climb... Plus, Kano can shoot lasers. That has to count for something.

Dhalsim over Paul. Again, just like in match #2, it's a case of discipline over recklessness. Only this time, the disciplined one is the one with all the supernatural powers. I like Paul, but he really shouldn't stand a chance here.