torsdag 11 september 2008

1st round - w.38

Rock was born Nathaniel Adams, son of an English trader. As a child, the ship he and his parents were onboard was attacked by pirates. His parents died in the chaos, and left the sinking ship and floated ashore in America where he was raised by the natives. Growing in both body and mind, he now travels the world to prove himself as a combatant. Nicknamed The White Giant, Rock is big and strong, able to take a lot of punishment and dishing it back in kind. He may not be fast, but he makes up for it in brute strength, and with his mighty two-handed battle axe in his grasp, few people would dare stand against him.
As the daughter of esteemed martial artist Lau Chan, Pai has a lot to live up to. While she at young age already has become a major Hong Kong action movie star, she still trains hard every day in order to surpass her father and prove herself worthy in his eyes. She's light, quick and agile, qualities which aid her in her chosen fighting style Mizongy. As a martial art, it places great emphasis on fast and fluid movements, well-timed kicks and an abundance of jumps and leaps to confuse and catch the opponent off-guard.

Jack is a combat android created by the former Soviet Union, designed to help return Russia to a communist state. Although many enhanced versions would follow, this was the first one. Unlike its sequels, this one has never suffered from personality and AI malfunctions, instead focusing solely on what it does best: dishing out massive damage to anything that stands in its path. Whether it be by swining its big arms and fists around or delivering brutal kicks, Jack knows how to get the job done. And while its bulky mechanical body doesn't lend itself well to agility or finesse, its ability to absord punishment makes up for it.
Guy is the 39th successor of the Bushin style of ninjutsu. While he takes his training very seriously, he's not above heading out on the streets and beat the crap out of the thugs and villains of Metro City. Not much is known about his personality, but his fighting skills speak for themselves. Utilizing rapid punch sequences and a plethora of jumps, kicks and elbow strikes, Guy can deliver a swift beating before his adversary knows what hit him. If all else fails, his strongest technique is the Bushin Musou Renge, a truly devestating attack combination that pummels the opponent senseless.

Liu Kang is a Chinese Shaolin fighting monk with extremely quick moves and formidable fighting skills. Liu Kang became the first ever human Mortal Kombat champion and has since then helped the elder God Raiden with other quests. Trained by legendary master Bo’Rai’Cho Kang follows the teachings of the Shaolin White Lotus Society. Among all his quick combos Kang has the ability to shoot hot fireballs from his hands. His most famous move though is the Flying Kick, a fast kick which sends the opponenet tumbling to the ground. Kang’s best friends are Sonya Blade and... believe it or not... his opponent this week...
Hollywood’s own prettyboy, Johnny Cage, a moviestar who is also a master of martial arts. He actually started fighting to prove to filmcritics and movie-going public that his stunts and skills are real and not special effects. This including his patented Shadow Kick and the mean-green Force Fireball. Cage has several terrible ways of ending his opponents’ miseries. In his personal favourite he punches his opponent's head off with a vicious uppercut. Cage jokes around a lot and can be a little full of himself every now and then. This might cost him the win in this match against his more disciplined friend.

Thunder is a native american chief from a reservation in Arizona who fights to find out what happened to his missing brother Eagle in the previous Killer Instinct tournament. After finding out that Eagle’s disappearance leads back to the evil company Ultratech, Thunder has found his main enemy. This giant warrior is armed with sharp twin tomahawks which he uses to slice his way through obstacles and opponents. After beating up his foes Thunder rises his tomahawks and calls down a bolt of lightning from the sky to strike the enemy senseless to the ground.
Bayman, measuring 6’2’’, 230 lbs is a highly ranked commando soldier from Russia. Before he saw any action with the Spetsnaz, the Soviet Union collapsed. Realizing the new regime would have no use for him, Bayman slipped through the cracks of the reformation. He took up the life of a mercenary, putting his skills to good use in all manner of lethal assignments. He found particular pleasure in assassinations of high-profile people. Worse still, he enjoys his work. He is something of a showoff, and in battle, he usually talks down the opponent, constantly calling them weak and worthless. Bayman’s fighting style? Russian Sambo of course.

5 kommentarer:

Kebaben sa...

At first, I figured the first match would be a win for Rock, but really... Pai is stupidly quick and should be able to dance around the big guy long enough for him to tire himself out. He may be big and sturdy, but swinging that big axe around can't be easy work. It won't be a quick win, but I reckon Pai would be able to slowly but surely take him out.

Jack may be a robot, but considering that his fellow Tekken-guys can still manage to beat him without any fireballs or weapons or anything, he's far from invulnerable. Plus, he IS after all the first model of Jack, lacking all the further upgrades they added to Jack-2, Gun-Jack and the others. Guy is a highly trained ninjutsu fighter, and should be able to pick up the win.

Liu Kang vs Johnny Cage is dead even. I'm going with Johnny, though. Liu Kang won't expect his dear friend to use his dreaded crotch-punch against him. But Johnny will. Oh yes he will.

Thunder and Bayman are somewhat similar physically speaking, but Thunder's tomahawks and lightning powers gives him the edge.

Anonym sa...

Rock crushes stupid chinese girl with axe, period.

Jack wont stand a chance against lightning fast technician Guy. Jack is slow and dumb.

Cage vs Kang is an even matchup. Cage's coolness will earn him the win. Kang has to loosen up. He's like Brandon in Beverly Hills... or vintage Matt Hardy.

Bayman will kick Thunders as, simply becauce he's a better fighter, technically.

Anonym sa...

look hos back. back agen :-) jag tänker inte rösta dnnae veckan för jag känenr inte igen en ända. torr att snögubebn komemr vinna!!!!!!!11 kula tt va tillbaka har sknat sidan

Anonym sa...

*sigh* I think this site converted into English to reach a wider audience and stop you from putting comments on here. Sadly it did not help but please stop being a jerk and post your comments in English instead of Swedish.

Anonym sa...

toothells shut up fattman stuopid.. HAHHAHAAAHAAAHAH!!!!!!!!1