onsdag 17 september 2008

1st round - w.39

In highschool american badass TJ Combo decided to quit school and start boxing to earn money to his poor family. However, in a hard match Combo received devastating injuries to both his arms, including shattered bones and torn ligaments. In an experiment the evil technician corporation Ultratech ”helped” Combo. Using radical techniques they inserted cybernetic implants to his arms which improved his boxing abilities and gave him speed and strenght 200% better than an average man. Combo quickly became a big name and eventually he held the heavyweight boxing title for 5 years, until everybody found out about the implants and he was stripped of the belt. Now this bitter warrior fights to get his title back. He likes to finish his opponents by snapping their necks.
Growing up in the famous Korean Seong Dojang headed by her father, Seung Mi-na has always been surrounded by weapons, many of which she has learned to use quite well, especially the chinese poleweapon Guan-Dao. However, her looks led the local boys to tease her and call her nothing more than a girl, an image supported by her father who wanted her to settle down and marry a suitor. All this made Mi-na very mad and she decided to pack her belongings and run away from home to find the legendary sword Soul Edge and to prove her fightingskills to the non-believers. She is a beautiful, tough warrior with a long reach thanks to her Guan-Dao.

This beautiful, mentally unstable, secret agent and spy goes under the name “Black Orchid” because of the little flower she has in her hair. She is hired by the (as you already know by now) EVIL company Ultratech as a secretary. She is however really an undercover spy working for an unknown company to infiltrate and destroy Ultratech’s production of Fulgore cyborgs. After a while she has discovered that fighting against Ultratech alone is tough, which is why she has teamed up with the ninja Jago and native-american warrior Thunder. The lightning fast, comboskilled Orchid has a quite different way to finish her opponents. By unzipping her uniform and flashing her (presumably) fake boobies at them, causing a massive heartattack.
Thundergod Raiden is an immortal. Even if his mortal form gets destroyed, it is unlikely that Raiden can ever truly be killed. As protector of the Earthrealm Raiden commands many supernatural abilities. He can teleport, shoot lighningbolts from his hands and perform flying attacks towards his opponents. Rumour has it that Raiden masters all of more than 750 documented varieties of Jujutsu, a skilled fighter in other words. Raiden uses his ability to control lightning when it comes to ending the miseries of unsuspected combatants standing in his ways. He chokes his opponent with his hand, shocking the body with electricity until the fried head explodes and the bones turn to ashes.

Maxi is a pirate captain who has spent a lot of his life travelling the world, often alongside his friends Kilik and Xianghua. He has had a notable feud with the golem Astaroth after he killed a large portion of Maxi's ship crew, and although Maxi eventually emerged victorious in the final battle, the fighting had took its toll on him. He has lately become consumed with the search for the cursed sword Soul Edge, which Maxi feels will help him grow in power. When in combat, Maxi prefers to use the nunchaku. He uses a number of fast and tricky moves which can make him a very unpredictable opponent.
Ayane is the half-sister of Kasumi and cousin of Hayate, and belongs to the same ninja clan as her two relatives. Due to her father having raped her mother, she was considered a "poisoned child" and treated as an outcast while growing up. This caused her to resent her half-sister Kasumi who by comparison was treated like a princess and led to a long-standing rivalry between the two ninjas. They are indeed of about equal skill, with the two trading wins between each other whenever they have ended up on opposing sides of a fight. Much like her fellow clan-members, Ayane relies primarily on speed in combat, particularly lightning-quick kicks and impressive feats of athleticism to confuse and beat down her opponents.

Zack is not what you would call your typical high-discipline fighter. Rather, he's always happy, outgoing, loud, flashy and somewhat obnoxious. His reasons for fighting are simple: money and fame. Don't let his jovial personality fool you, though. He is a very skilled Muay Thai fighter, able to deliver crushing elbow and knee strikes with great precision. He also incorporates a variety of flashy and unorthodox maneuvers in his fighting style which, along with his tendency to continously thrash-talk and taunt his opponents, helps make him a very dangerous foe that can easily get under one's skin and then strike when least expected.
Kage-Maru, mostly known simply as Kage, is a skilled ninja from Japan. His full name translates to "Perfect Shadow", and he pretty much lives up to that moniker, working behind the scenes and performing his duties with expert precision. His dreaded Hagakure-ryu Ju-Jutsu fighting style has led him to countless victories in martial arts competitions, among them the third iteration of the prestigeous World Fighting Tournament. Not surprisingly for a ninja, he's one fast and elusive combatant who is perhaps most known and feared for his Ten Feet Toss, where he launches his opponent high into the air and follows up with a series of punches and kicks to knock the wind right out of them.

4 kommentarer:

Kebaben sa...

Combo vs Seung Mina is tricky. One one hand, Mina has that long weapon of hers which should be useful for keeping the boxer at bay. On the other hand, Combo definitely has a strength and speed advantage due to his implants. It will be a close bout, but I reckon Combo finds a way to get in reach of Mina and beats the crap out of her.

Raiden is the frickin' god of thunder in the MK universe. No way he's going to lose to some bimbo.

Ayane beats Maxi. Compared to other weapons that Soul Calibur characters like to employ, the nunchaku doesn't have the reach to keep unarmed opponents away, so it shouldn't factor in too much. Add in the fact that Ayane has more formal training and more discipline, and she should be able to win against the reckless pirate.

The same goes for Kage over Zack. Zack's trash talk won't do any good against a ninja like Kage, thus removing a lot of the kickboxer's edge.

Anonym sa...

1st match is indeed hard. I think that Minas speed and reach will destroy the mentally unstable Combo.

Raiden is Raiden. Simple as that.

Ayane will defeat Maxi, she is Kasumis sister god damn it.

Kage kills Zack and presumably this whole tournament. He's a ninja and as everybody know, Ninjas rule.

Anonym sa...

combo vinner örve raidne för han e stark och snabb oc h 20% mer ön vanligt.

raiden vinner över´ordchdi för hane b lixt

ayane vnner över max för haon e snygg!!!!!!!!11 (L)

cage vinner för han e ninjutsi

Anonym sa...

sorry enlish come her.

combo win over mina.

orchid win over riande.

maxi loose over ayane.

zsck loose overr cage