lördag 4 oktober 2008

1st round - w.41

Sub-Zero is a blue garbed warrior that descended from Cryomancers, an Outworld race possessing the ability to generate and control the powers of ice. Sub-Zero’s chinese father took him and his older brother against their american mother’s will to China to train with the classic warrior clan of the Lin Kuei. Ever since his older brother, in fact the classic Sub-Zero from the first Mortal Kombat tournament, was killed by Scorpion, Sub has allied himself with the good forces of Earthrealm to fight against Shao Kahn. He uses his powers to control ice in many different ways. He can temporarily freeze his opponents in midair to get a big advantage in battle. Of course ice has a big role when it comes to finishing the opponents too. The question is which is worse. Getting the spine and skull ripped out of the body? Or maybe getting deep-freezed followed by Sub’s punches slowly taking the body apart? Brrr.
Billy Lee is the younger twinbrother of co-crimefighter Jimmy Lee. Billy is a master of the martial arts type Sou-Setsu-Ken, which loosely translates to "Double-Interception-Fist", a style with loads of similarities to Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do. He is a lightningfast striker with skills in the effective arts of the Nunchakus, his primary choice of weapon. Billy, nicknamed “Spike”, and his brother fights on a daily basis, mostly against the evil criminal organization called Black Warriors och Shadow Warriors. However, the fact that the brothers had a crush on the same girl has created sort of a crack in their relationship and these days Billy often kicks ass alone. When he’s not fighting, street-racing is this badboy’s big passion.

Irish-born Nina Williams was trained from a young age to become an assassin. She is cold-hearted and deadly serious in most things she does, but considering what she has been through, that shouldn't come as a surprise. After witnessing her father's dead when she was only a child, she pursued her career path with even more determination, but her troubles were only beginning. Since then, she has been forced into cryogenic sleep for 19 years, unknowingly gotten pregnant and had a son, suffered amnesia and, through all this, been entangled in a brutal sibling rivalry with her sister Anna. Still, Nina knows how to take care of herself. When fighting, she utilizes a combination of Koppojutsu and Aikido, often using various throws and holds to twist her opponent's limbs in painful ways. She is after all an assassin. She knows how to fight. And how to kill.
Lau Chan excels at everything he does. He had long dreamed of becoming a skilled chef, and he certainly accomplished that when he won a prestigeous competition naming him the best chef in China. After that, he set his eyes on the world of martial arts and turned out to be just as good in that field. So good, in fact, that he came out victorious in the first ever World Fighting Tournament. A true master of the Koen-ken fighting style, Lau is starting to get up there in age and has recently been looking for a worthy successor, You have to wonder if a perfectionist like Lau will ever find someone suitable. He might not even need to. Despite old age and waning health, Lau is still just as fierce a combatant as he has always been.

Gen Fu may seem like a grumpy and short-spoken old man, but he is really quite kind and compassionate. The fact that he keeps fighting even at old age in order to raise money to cure his granddaughter from a fatal illness speaks for itself. He's well-versed in the martial art known as Xynyi Liuhe Quan, a fighting style primarily relying on punches, open palm strikes and shoulder tackles, and he most definitely has the edge of experience on his side, having been a fighter for most of his life. He also enjoys writing poetry, painting, philosophy and possibly long walks on the beach.
Wolf Hawkfield hails from the Canadian wilderness where he lives alone as a hunter and hermit of sorts. The outdoor life has made him strong and tough, but he's also a somewhat quiet and gentle man. Until he steps in the ring and starts fighting, that is. He was discovered by a pro wrestling promoter one day, and it wasn't long before the physically gifted Wolf became the top name in the industry. He fought for many years but eventually realized that nobody could possibly match his fighting spirit, so he retired from the world of sports entertainment and went on to martial arts. As a fighter, Wolf is certainly a powerhouse, obliterating opponents left and right with devestating lariats and surprisingly agile kicks. He is, however, primarily a grappler. Powerbombs, suplexes, slams and jackhammers: if it's been done in the wrestling world, Wolf knows how to do it and is not afraid to lay the smack down on his opponents.
Taki is a foxy, fast femaleninja from Fu-Ma na Sato, Japan. She is known for her catlike superfast moves in combat. She is armed with dual Kodachis, short ninjaswords which she wields with perfect precission. Because of this her strenght lies in close quarter combat. As a Fu-ma ninja her speciality, apart from fighting, is forging magic and spelled weapons. She has actually made the blades herself and has infused them with mystical powers. Taki is also known for slaying and exterminating demons on her journeys. She is actually sharing a long history with her opponent this week.
Cervantes de Leon, the spanish pirate. When Cervantes was a child his father’s ship was destroyed. After this he decided to become a sailor, and eventually a bitter, notorious pirate. After a mission he found the spelled sword Soul Edge which drove him mad as it devoured his soul. His insanity made him destroy anyone who came seeking the sword. Until Taki, his opponent this week, destroyed him in battle and freed him from the evil sword. However, this didn’t stop Cervantes’ psycothic behaviour. Suffering from amnesia Cervantes went back to his old life, plundering and maddening ships on the seas. As his memories returned his desire for Soul Edge came back, even though he knew it had robbed him of his free will the last time. Now he sails in his ship, seeking the sword with renewed fervor and strenght with a Longsword and a Gunblade in his hands.

4 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Sub will destroy, humiliate and kick Billy to pieces. no explanation needed in my mind.

Nina is a skilled assassin who easily will win and maybe even kill her grayhaired old chump of an opponent.

Wolf will drag the sorry ass of HIS grayhaired old chump of an opponent across the arena and layeth the smackethdowneth on him.

(There is only ONE grayhaired old chump to be reckoned with.. Vincent... Kennedy... McMahooon!!)

Last match... Taki will possibly win because of her speed and the fact that she has won over Cervie before..

Kebaben sa...

Sub-Zero has the power of ice on his side, along with a big nasty sword every now and then. Billy has... punches and kicks. Easy win for Subby.

I like Lau, but he mainly has experience from controlled martial arts fights. He normally doesn't have to fight for his life, which he might have to do when up against a trained assassin like Nina who will feel no qualms about breaking the old guy's arms and legs. Nina wins, but it should be a somewhat even match-up regardless.

Wolf vs Gen Fu should be another even fight, but the wrestler's raw strength should give him the edge.

Taki wins against Cervantes. She has won against him before, as Dennis said, so she knows what to do. Also, due to his amnesia, it's possible that Cervantes won't have learned all that much from the previous bout.

Anonym sa...

why isnet not scorpion in this tunrmanrt? he will win it all

Anonym sa...

why isnet not scorpion in this tunrmanrt? he will win it all