lördag 18 oktober 2008

1st round - w.43

King is a famous luchador (wrestler) from Mexico. In true Lucha Libre style King’s face is covered and hidden behind a mask, in his case a Jaguarmask. He used to be a ruthless street brawling orphan with no care in the world except fighting. In one of his fights, King was grievously wounded and collapsed in front of a monastery. The Marquez priests saved him from death. After recovering, King realized the error of his ways and resolved to start a new life. He became a Catholic priest with a new mission, to win prize money in fighting tournament and buy an orphanage for street children. This powerful mexican uses many famous pro-wrestling moves. Stunner, Elbow Drop, Tombstone Piledriver, Kinnuku Buster and Giant Swing, to mention a few. He is also very fond of a quite popular move in this competition… the Spinning Piledriver invented by Zangief.
Lieutenant Sonya Blade is a member of a top United States Special Forces unit and the Outer World Investigation Agency. She represents a very emancipated and headstrong woman, but for all her stubbornness and pride, she deeply cares about the lives of her friends and comrades. This blonde bombshell is of course trained in battle by the US Army. Among her more physical attacks are the Frankensteiner Leg Grab in which she performs a handstand, grabs the opponent with her feet and slams him to the hard ground. She does also master some more supernatural moves. One where she clangs her wrists together and sends out rings like whirlwind fireballs, and excellent longrange attack. However, her most famous move is definately the “Kiss of Death”. Her hot kisses can make you burst into flames, crush your bones and even make you explode.

Bad Mr. Frosty was a normal human being who worked at a circus. One fateful day, a meteor composed solely of clay crashed into the area, transforming everyone there into odd clay-like beings with special powers. As you might have guessed from his appearance and name, Frosty's powers are based on snow. His new flexible body of clay allows him to roll himself up into a giant ball of snow (or clay, or who knows...) and hurl himself at the opponent, and he can also throw more regular snowballs to inflict damage. His abilities along with an angry attitude makes Bad Mr. Frosty a fighter you don't want to get on the bad side of.
Shun Di is an old Chinese sage and martial arts teacher, known for his love of alcohol. As a master of drunken kung-fu (also known as Zui Quan), Shun is known to have himself a drink or two before, after and even during his fights. In fact, the more he drinks, the more powerful and unpredictable he gets. His drunken swaggering is enough to put people off-balance, and that's just the start of it. He might lie down on the floor to have a drink in the middle of combat, only to use the low position to sweep the legs out from under his opponents. He might stand on his hands and jump around, luring the opponents into a false sense of security before they realize that his feet are now at perfect altitude to kick their teeth in. Shun might appear a bit goofy in his movements, but everything is carefully thought over and strategized. Certainly a dangerous foe.
Kazuya Mishima is the japanese Chief Executive Officer of the Mishima Zaibatsu, a powerful worldwide conglomerate and its various subsidiaries. When Kazuya was a five year old child, he was thrown off of a cliff by his father, who claimed that his son was weak. Kazuya nearly died from the fall, but his survival was assured through a deal with the Devil, who promised him enough power to take his revenge on his father. Eventually he defeated his fahter and threw his unconcious body from that very same cliff. After this Kazuyas mind got even more twisted as the Devil took over more and more. Assassination, extortion, drug dealing and the smuggling of endangered species became sort of his new hobbies. He is a powerful, maniac with skills in Mishima Styla Karate, allied with the Devil. Is there really anything that can stop the Antichrist?
The rich and eccentric Count Ludwig Von Sabrewulf was well known for being a thrill-seeker. Once he decided to participate in the Killer Instinct Martial arts tournament. He was actually a great fighter, having been classically trained by some of the finest masters around the world. However, Ultratech scientists were able to genetically engineered the once fictional disease known as Lycanthropy (Werewolf). Although they had a vast resource of convicts to choose from, displaying perhaps a sense of evil irony, they decided to infect Sabrewulf. Sabrewulf would try everything in his power to get rid of his condition. But he got worse, soon, he couldn't revert back to his human form. Sabrewulf had almost lost all hope when he was once again contacted by Ultratech. They informed him that they might be able to find a cure, and the only price they would charge would be if he would participate in another Killer Instinct. Truly desperate at this point, Sabrewulf agreed. This howling barker doesn’t really use ordinary fighting styles, his primary attacks consists of biting and claw attacks with his long, sharp fangs.

Yoshimitsu is the leader of the Manji Party, basically a clan of ninja thieves along the lines of Robin Hood and his merry men. They steal from the rich and give to the poor. Yoshimitsu himself is a good-hearted man who nonetheless is willing to do whatever it takes to win a fight. Trainer in Manji-style ninjitsu, Yoshi tends to favor fast yet powerful attacks, including devastating kicks and knee strikes. After having one of his arms cut off during a mission, he has had it replaced with a robotic prosthetic which gives him extra strength in combat. He is known for his spinning attacks, where he will twirl around like crazy to decimate the opponent, even if it leaves himself dizzy enough to fall over. And as if all that wasn't enough, Yoshimitsu also carries a sword around which he uses for parrying attacks, flying and even as a pogo stick. It's also handy for cutting and stabbing the oppossition.
While Chun Li was still a child, her father went missing during an undercover investigation of the crime syndicate Shadaloo. As the young girl grew up, she was determined to find out what had happened to him and get revenge. Finding out that he had been killed at the hands of Shadaloo's leader M. Bison only strengthened her resolve. Affiliated with Interpol, her will is as strong as her fighting prowess. She uses Tai Chi in combat and has grown more and more powerful over the years. Speed is her greatest assett and she often leaps and bounces all over the arena, dishing out damage while avoiding her opponent's attacks. She can harness her chi to cast balls of fire from the palms of her hands, but is best known for her kicks, both the barrage of Lightning Kicks and the gravity-defying Spinning Bird Kick. One of the most accomplished female fighters in the tournament.

2 kommentarer:

Kebaben sa...

As usual, I hate voting against pro wrestlers. However, Sonya's Kiss of Death and similar "supernatural" moves give her a definite edge.

Bad Mr Frosty is used to fighting blobs of clay, fat opera singers, Terminator bunnies, Elvis impersonators and other crazies. The drunk Shun Di will seem awfully normal to him, so Shun's normal "unpredictable" advantage goes out the window. Plus, Frosty has superpowers.

Kazuya beats Sabrewulf. Kaz is no stranger to fighting beasts with claws and fangs after his battles with Kuma the bear, and I reckon he has enough natural skill to overcome the Wulf.

Chun Li might be fast, but Yoshi can teleport and has so many crazy tricks up his sleeves. The sword helps as well. Yoshimitsu wins.

Anonym sa...

King might be the most accomplished wrestler in this TM. If a wrestler will proceed to the 2nd round, it ought to be King (who by the way makes me think about another famous luchador / monk.... Nachoooou Libreee... =)

BMF will easily win over drunk oldguy.

Kazuya is allied with the Devil and a martial arts expert. Nuff said.

Chun li has her downward Helicopter kick and the famous 1000 super kick. Chun will win.