fredag 24 oktober 2008

2nd round - w.44

Kasumi had to deal with the big hulking Australian Jeffry in her first round match. After being rocked by a couple of of heavy hits early on, she managed to turn the tables on her opponent with some intricate counter moves and eventually finished him off with a series of kicks to the jaw.
While Vega is no stranger to fighting dirty, he almost met his match in Kano, a man who not only plays with knives but also fires laser beams from his eye. One hit from those could have proven fatal, but if there's one thing Vega knows, it's how to move around in battle. Through leaping around all over the arena, Vega managed to dodge everything Kano threw at him and eventually knocked the Black Dragon Clan leader out.
This will be a battle of speed and agility. Both Kasumi and Vega are known for their quickness, and both have impressive track records in fighting. Will Kasumi's discipline and determination lead her to victory, or will it be Vega's claw and explosiveness that prove to be the key factors?

In the first round Fulgore managed to defeat one of the pre-favourites in this competition. But was it ever hard for him? Sumowrestler E.Honda flashed his big arms and showed his trademark “Hyaku Retsu Harite” for the not so impressed cyborg who easily delivered the pain from his machinegun. Game over sumo.
Skilled Jeet-Kun-Do fighter Marshall Law got to face a similar styled fighter in the first round. Sarah Bryant gave him a good fight with lots of fast combos and lightning-quick kicks before Law showed who the better warrior was, of course by delivering a somersault kick.
Big numb cyborgninja with blades, lasereyes and heavy armour, now faces barebreasted, superfast martialarts-machine. Can Law’s quickness help him get through and end Fulgore’s killing spree? Or will he end up like just another victim?

Reptile’s first match never really became a... match for him. This maniac, half-lizard, half-man faced a Chinese prettyboy with eyeliner named Jann Lee. After showering his weak opponent with gallons of acid and ripping his head off with the long snaketounge, Reptile easily qualified to round 2.
Paul Phoenix had sort off a harder and more accomplished opponent. India’s flamespitting Dhalsim tried to fry the massive biker-bodyguard with his breathe. “The Phoenix Smasher” could barely dodge his projectiling hands and feet but finally managed and knocked rubberman out with his Deathfist.
Now Outworld’s creepiest will face the Real American. Will Reptile’s dirtymoves of spitting, scratching and biting be much trouble for the more technical, larger Paul Phoenix? Will cheating defeat classic fighting?

The ninja Jago hardly even broke a sweat in his first match. His opponent, the boxer Bald Bull, came charging at him right from the start with a Bull Charge. Unfortunately for him, Jago knew the right way to counter that, and a simple punch to the gut stopped the Turk and put him down for good. Easy win for Jago.
In his first round match, ECO35-2 found himself face to face with Julia Chang. Although she put up a brave fight, she failed to find a way to overcome ECO35-2's robotic exterior. It wasn't a quick victory, but nonetheless, the robot was never really in much danger and eventually picked up the win after a couple of hard kicks to the native American.
ECO35-2 no doubt has the advantage when it comes to brute force. Jago, on the other hand, is faster and with more varied tricks up his sleeves, including his sword. Will it prove to be enough to put a stop to the cyborg? Or will ECO35-2 pick up another easy win?

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Vega will stand victorious in the first match. He is fast like a cat,+ he has longer reach with his claw.

Match 2 is tougher, but I think Laws discipline and quickness will overcome the robotic Fulgore.

Paul Phoenix is a hardhitter and fast kicker. Reptile will lay bleeding.

Jagos razorsharp blade will cut of C-3PO's limbs bit by bit.

Kebaben sa...

Kasumi vs Vega should be even, but the Spaniard will get too cocky and his arrogance will be his downfall against highly disciplined Kasumi.

Law has no chance against Fulgore. There are a number of people in this tourney that I could see put an end to Fulgore's killing spree, but Law is not one of them.

Reptile has lots of nasty tricks, but can be a bit erratic. A hot-head like Paul is probably not the kind of guy that would be able to beat him. Reptile wins.

Fuck that stupid robot. Jago cuts up his limbs and power lines with his sword and takes the victory.