söndag 16 november 2008

2nd round - w.47

Metro City’s bad goodguy Cody advanced easily in our tournament, but did he really got much competition? He faced Hustler’s Latex Girl 1998, Sofia who instantly attacked with her lethal looks and whip. Cody could however dodge the whip and strike the poor russian bimbo with a devastating foot the groin and punch her unconcious, prison style. Very manly Cody.
Glacius got more of a match against Brazil’s resident nutcase Blanka. The advantage switched through out the whole match. Glacius attacked with his liquid, razorsharp limbs while Blanka tried to shock him with his electricity. This actually led to his downfall as Glacius took the opportunity to impale him with a great white arm while Blanka charged up his body.
Unless it snows in hell this week, Glacius shouldn’t have much trouble kicking Cody’s ass to pieces. He is however an extremely skilled strret-learned fighter who should never be taken easily.
All the wrestlers that had gone before him had fallen in the first round of the tournament. King did not let that fact bother him, however. With a series of suplexes and powerbombs, he managed to defeat Earthrealm's skilled combatant Sonya without too much trouble.
Shun Di had to face off against perhaps the strangest fighter in the tournament: the snowman made of clay, AKA Bad Mr. Frosty. Whether Shun Di was aware of this or not is anybody's guess, as he seemed heavily intoxicated during the bour. Never the less, his fighting instincts were as sharp as ever, and he managed to dance around the snowman finish him off with a solid headbutt.
So now, we have a masked Mexican wrestler against a drunken Chinese martial artist in what should be a highly entertaining match. Shun Di certainly has the edge in experience, but King has an undeniable explosiveness in the way he fights. Only one can come out the victor.
In Mitsurugi’s first round we got to watch a true, classical fight between swordsmen. The barbaric longdead warrior Spinal with his rough style versus extremely skilled, disciplined samurai Mitsurugi. The “Skeletor-look-a-like” attacked towards the samurai instantly but missed with a swordslash. A fatal mistake as Mitsurugi’s katana decapitated the cranium from the body.
Ryu’s first round was, if possible, even more of a classic match. He faced an old foe in form of the russian powerwrestler Zangief. The two have clashed multiple times through the years and they know eachother’s weak and strong sides. Of course this made up for a very even and close fight. Attacks and counters back and forth until Zangief finally lost his balance after a “Hadoken” and Ryu’s “Dragon Punch” which knocked the russian out for this time.
Now, for the first time in this tournament, we proudly present a Japan derby. A great samurai warrior, armed with a great sword versus a superskilled hand-to-hand martial arts expert with the ability yo shoot Fire Balls.

Kazuya Mishima came face to face with the feral Sabrewulf in his first round match. The beast proved to be no match for nefarious Kazuya, however. With a cocky smirk on his face, he sent Sabrewulf packing with a series of roundhouse kicks followed by a devestating uppercut.
Yoshimitsu had to deal with Chun Li in the first round, and it was a very even contest. Yoshi's cybernetically enhanced body had trouble keeping up with the Chinese girl's speed and agility, but he eventually caught her off-guard with a well-timed slash with his sword. After that, the win was a mere formality.
Kazuya and Yoshimitsu are no strangers to one another. Both are highly competent fighters in their own rights. Kazuya's overconfidence might prove to be an issue, but the same could be said for Yoshimitsu's somewhat erratic behaviour. There will be a lot of prestige on the line in this one, folks.

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Glacius eats and spits Cody out in a second.

Triple-H-in-leopard-mask will destroy old drunk man.

Ryu vs Mitsu i tough. Still, Ryu is the original Street Fighter champion and he will gain advantage and win.

Kazuya IIIIS.... the devil in disguise.. oh yes he iiis. Its ridicolous to vote Yoshi in this match.