torsdag 30 oktober 2008

2nd round - w.45

Rock, a huge, barbaric, giant of a man got to face a small, cute, petite Hong Kong star in his first round. The young Pai showed some guts early in the match by jumping around like a mantis, delivering quick kicks and multiple punches to the big man. However, he could easily stand strong as her pathetic attempts didn’t harm him. He ended her lightning spree with a rockhard headbutt.
Liu Kang, the legendary Mortal Kombat champion faced his ally and good friend Johnny Cage in the first round. Cage took an early advantage with his green fireballs and trademark Shadowkick, whick temporarily made Kang loose his balance. In true Cage-style the posh moviestar taunted his opponent after the attack, by signing a idolphoto of himself. Kang seized the moment and knocked Cage out with a Bicyclekick – uppercut combo.
This week Rock will once again face a faster, smaller opponent in Kang. Kang though is the master of the Flying Kick and a killer Flameball-shooter. Huge Battleaxe versus Mortal Kombat champion.

Piratecaptain Maxi found himself up against lethal ninja Ayane, who felt the need to prove herself after her rival and sister Kasumi had already advanced in the tournament. It was not to be for the purple haired warrior, however. Maxi capitalized on her unfocused state of mind and surprisingly quickly put her down with his nunchaku.
Seung Mi-na's first round match was against the brutal boxer known as TJ Combo. Combo followed his usual gameplan of explosive aggressiveness. While he managed to catch Seung Mi-na off guard at first, the Korean girl's polearm proved to be the deciding factor in the end as it helped her keep the brute at bay and slice through his modest defenses.
Mi-na and Maxi are no strangers to one another. Nobody has a distinct advantage. Both are armed, both are strong and both are determined to win. Only one can advance, however. It will be the reach of the polearm against the speed of the nunchaku.

The massive, superstrong Russian android Jack didn’t get much off an opponent in it’s first round. Sure, Guy is a skilled, quick ninjutsu artist, but that didn’t play much role in this slaughter. Jack is fast too but most importantly, his devastating punches can knock a grizzlybear out. One jawhit sent Guy flying 12 feet in the air just to land unconscious on the canvas.
Russian samboexpert Bayman had a rougher time, battling with nativeamerican superhunk Thunder. The later put up a good fight and Bayman’s kicks and punches took turns with Thunder’s razorsharp Tomahawks and devastating kneedrops. However, after being able to unarm Thunder, Bayman got a big advantage and could after a long, hard fight lay the Smacketh Downeth on the Indian ass.
Now, for the first time in Fight Club’s history we present a Soviet derby. Classic Russian soldier Bayman with his martial arts skills versus the future of warfare, the android Jack with his enforcing punches and kicks.

Raiden proved himself fairly dominating in his match against the assassin Orchid. A few quick bursts of lightning was all it took for the god of thunder to advance to the next round.
Likewise, the ninja Kage had no problems disposing of the young, cocky and arrogant kickboxer Zack. Zack came out talking thrash and taunting his opponent, but that quickly got replaced by screams of pain and agony as Kage quite easily knocked him out with a few well-placed kicks.
Raiden may be a thunder god, but he's not invincible. Kage is one of the most highly trained and disciplined combatants in this tournament and won't back down from anyone. Will he be able to topple Raiden, or will Earthrealm's guardian come out on top once more?

1 kommentar:

Kebaben sa...

Liu Kang is no dummy. He'll be smart enough to keep his distance from Rock and whittle him down with fireballs. When the time is right, he'll come flying at him with a bicycle kick, and that'll be the end of Rock in this tournament.

Maxi vs Mi-na should be even, but the reach of the polearm will give Seung the edge.

Jack vs Bayman, likewise, could go either way. Bayman is suprisingly strong, though, and is a master of submission moves. I reckon he could probably severely damage Jack's joints and stuff, leading to a hard-fought victory.

Raiden vs Kage. Round 1. Fight! BZZZZT! Raiden wins. Fatality.